The Science
There are three scientifically significant purposeful practices to adopt that underpin and unlock all the abundance of this approach:
Increased consciousness and presencing
Non-judgemental self-regard and relationships
Purpose driven Personal Development Planning
Consciousness and presencing
There is a huge body of research on the importance of increasing consciousness in the workplace, with numerous studies demonstrating the benefits of practicing mindfulness, developing emotional intelligence and consciousness for employee well-being, job performance, and organizational outcomes.
Below are just a small selection of the compelling research papers and studies that prove this beyond doubt:
2. Non-judegmental self-regard and relationships
Studies continue to show the undeniable benefits of non-judgemental self regard for employees and between colleagues. This is not familial or romantic love but about understanding how our unconscious imprints and patterns can create separation with ourselves and therefore as a by-product to those we work with.
Here are a few examples of the growing body of compelling research and studies:
3. Purpose driven Personal Development Planning
What becomes increasingly clear from developing the two elements above is a keener sense of purpose, and critically how this then translates into personal development planning. The evidence and research is abundant on the value of connecting with organisational purpose and the subsequent benefits to overall health, well-being and productivity.